Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I was watching the today show this morning and this couple has a four month old child(about the same age as Tristen) and he weighs about 18 pounds(about the same as Tristen) and they were saying how they could not get their son health insurance because they insurance company said their baby was to FAT that he was an obese baby, but they said that he was only in the 99th percent tile for his weight(Tristen is in the 95) and they said that now most insurance companies will not insure babies that are in the 95th or above because they are to fat! CRAZY! does that mean that my baby is obese? he is just a healthy boy. I could not believe that cause what are you supposed to do if your baby if a little chubby put him on a diet?!


Anonymous said...

That is terrible. I can't believe that. Why would the insurance companies do that?

The Porters said...

I had heard about that! I thought it was ridiculous!! Babies shouldnt be denied insurance. When they start walking around they lose some anyways. How dumb. I dont think Tristan is obese. He is a cutie!!

Kayli Sue said...

Oh my gosh, that is ridiculous! Are we supposed to not feed our child just so we can get insurance? Yes our nation has a problem but babies are supposed to have baby fat! Its natural and its cute!

sauter signs off said...

I'm laughing reading that. I heard it, but didn't think about size and weight. Your cutie pie is totally portioned right. What do insurance companies know.. Are they doctors?