Monday, December 7, 2009

Tristen is 6 months

*Tristen is 6 months old already can you believe it? here are some things he can do.
*Eat and eat some more.. he loves french fries and ice cream!!
*he can crawl back and sideways really well and is leaning to crawl to the front he is just a little rocky still.
*he gets to ride in a big boy car seat cause he is to big for the one you carry around now( I will update you all on how tall he is and how much he weighs on friday that when he goes to the doc)
*He love to watch dinosaur train every morning while I get some chores done.(I think it is the best it keeps him entertained and he has learned to make some of the dinosaur sounds.


Lashauna said...

Cute Santa pic! Moses likes Dinosaur Train too - Tristen must be very mature!

Anonymous said...

I love this pic. It is so cute and he is getting so big.